Heavy Metal Meets The Grateful Dead

I just came back from Best Buy. My computer is giving me problems and I don’t think it’s gonna last long so I went to checkout some new ones.
While I was there I was looking at the basket they have of discount CD’s.  As I’m looking I hear some lady say, “Pretty soon they’ll be no CD’s left.” I walked over there, looking at what CD’s they have left and she starts talking to me about the lack of CD’s in the store. I tell her, I have to buy most of my CD’s online. She said she don’t like to do that but she might have to. I asked her what CD she was looking for and she said the new Bon Jovi. Then she said it’s not really her type of music. I asked here what her type of music was and she said Heavy Metal. She looked like she was in her 60’s, and she mentioned that her grandkids  new more about computers then her. She asked me what music I listened to and I said The Grateful Dead. Then we both kind of stared at each other kind of strangely. Then we both went our own ways.

Sgt. Roast Beef and A Pound Of Cheese Band

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My take on the “Sgt. Pepper” album cover with some of my favorites.

“Burger Road”

Copy Lennon - Copy OKTwo of my favorite albums in one, “Hot Tuna’s,” “Burgers” and “The Beatles'” “Abbey Road,” containing the big hit, “Keep On Truckin’ To Abbey Road.”

Hanging In The Lourve

3TeK9uFIunTbi9TE6lrgkwRalph Rumpelton has finally made it to the big time. His computer painting of The Grateful Dead’s “Wake Of The Flood” is hanging in The Louvre. Rumor has it, it’s getting more looks then the Mona Lisa.

Rumpelton, The Beatles,And Other Strange Stuff

As some of you might know, I post computer art from Ralph Rumpelton. I have no idea who this guy is.

I have a friend who works in the art business and became friends with Rumelton. What I know is Rumpelton is a private guy so he wanted his friend to post the pictures for him. He didn’t have the time to do it so he knew that I liked music and wanted to know if I would post the pictures for him. I said sure, just have Rumpelton Email me the pics and I’ll do it. I get a kick out of seeing his stuff. My friend said it couldn’t be done. Rumpelton will send the pics to him and he’ll send them to me. I said fine.

I’ve been trying to find out who this guy is. From what I understand he comes from Scotland. A computer search came up with this picture


Looks Scottish to me.

Rumpelton has opened up a little and sent my friend some pictures of him. Here he is at a photo shoot with The Grateful Dead:Grateful-Deadat rehearsals for The Concert For Bangladesh:bangladeshgeorgeboband the lat one sent to me, with The Mothers Of Invention:themothersofinventionRumor has it that Zappa kicked him out of the band cause he was trying to take over the band and give everybody a pay raise, and writing credit.

I heard that Rumpelton is working on another painting. I post it as soon as I get it.

I forgot. This one is just too hard to believe:let-it-be